For successful investments, it is necessary to have in-depth knowledge of the tax, legal and labor laws aspects of the market. Our professionals will provide you with investment advice and support you in joint venture management.

  • Market analysis
  • Business risk assessment
  • Setting up a winning strategy
Consulenza per aprire società o joint venture in romania

We develop the strategy for the internationalization of your company

Entering foreign markets is an action with a well-defined strategy, clear objectives and excellent knowledge of the foreign market

At this stage of the internationalisation process, our professionals provide technical support to clients, which starts from Country Analysis with all its particular aspects, with an emphasis on taxation, legal matters and labour law, to the development of Feasibility Studies highlighting possible critical aspects of the investment and up to qualified assistance for the development and strengthening of foreign trade activities.

The main investments and joint venture activities involve:

  • Due diligence for purchase activities
  • Creation of companies under national law
  • Setup of secondary offices, branches, affiliates or agencies
  • Cross-border or reverse fusion by acquisition
  • National or cross-border divisions
  • Closing of secondary offices, company dissolution with winding-up
  • Fiscal risk assessment of the company
  • Administrative services abroad, accounting and payroll management

Request more information without any obligation!

We will reply as soon as possible and together we will understand the right direction to take to start up or consolidate your company abroad!

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