Terms and Conditions

This website belongs to KWFORESTER S.R.L., headquartered in Romania – Iaşi, No. 12 Dr. Savini Street, bl. H2, sc. B, ground floor, apt. 1, zip code 700381, registered under J22/3342/2008, tax code 24723242, with a registered capital of RON 1,500.00.

The following Terms and Conditions refer to the website www.kwforester.ro.

Accessing and browsing the site constitutes acceptance of these terms and the privacy policy that provides details regarding the processing of personal data.

The contents of this site are protected by copyright and no part of it may be duplicated in any form, nor used for any other purpose, except with the express written permission of KWFORESTER S.R.L.

You may print or download text visible on the website for personal, non-commercial purposes, including, but not limited to, structure, style sheets, and program code.

Design, specifications, and prices may change without notice.

KWFORESTER S.R.L. disclaims all liability for any errors and omissions on www.kwforester.ro, as well as for any interruptions in its functionality, inability to access the site, and costs of Internet services incurred in browsing the site.

If we provide views, opinions, interpretations of any legal provisions, this will not constitute legal advice or counsel of any kind. These can only be the subject of a service contract to be entered into between us.

To the extent that our website provides the ability to access other websites, including social networks, we recommend that you carefully read their Terms and Conditions, as well as their privacy policies, as we are not responsible for the operation of those websites, the security measures their owners have implemented, or the information they provide to you.

We reserve the right to disable any links to other websites at any time if we deem it appropriate for our interests.

If you contact us using the contact form on our website, we may disclose the contents of your request to our consultants, if their input is needed, or to any authority if your request, the language you use, or the issue you raise dictates such disclosure.

Our website is protected by the implementation of appropriate security measures. However, the online environment is not foolproof, so we do not exclude the risk that, by browsing our website, the devices used for such browsing or the information contained therein may be compromised in some way. Therefore, we will not be liable for any damages you may suffer as a result of browsing our website or its inappropriate, discontinuous or uninterrupted operation.

The law applicable to these Terms and Conditions is Romanian law and any dispute, if not amicably resolved, will be referred to Romanian courts.