In accordance with DG No. 153/2020 for the establishment of certain tax measures to stimulate the maintenance/growth of net worth and to complete certain regulatory acts, measures to reduce the profit tax, microenterprise income tax and specific tax are introduced for the period 2021 – 2025, as follows:

(a) 2%, if the book net worth is positive in the year for which the tax is due. The book net worth must at the same time fulfil the condition of being at least equal to half of the subscribed share capital;

b) if there is an annual increase in the adjusted shareholders’ equity in the year for which the tax is due compared to the adjusted shareholders’ equity recorded in the previous year and, at the same time, satisfies the condition under a), the reductions have the following values:

Tax reduction percentage Annual growth ranges of adjusted net assets
5% Within 5% inclusive
6% Over 5% and up to and including 10%
7% Over 10% and up to and including 15%
8% Over 15% and up to and including 20%
9% Over 20% and up to and including 25%
10% Over 25%

c) 3%, if the taxpayer registers an increase in the adjusted net assets of the year for which the tax is payable over the adjusted net assets registered in 2020 beyond the level provided for in the table below and if it simultaneously satisfies the condition set forth in subparagraph a.

The year for which the tax is due Minimum percentage increase in adjusted net assets
2022 5%
2023 10%
2024 15%
2025 20%

* The 3% reduction only applies from 2022.

If two or three conditions for applying the reduction are met, the percentages are cumulated. The granting of reductions only applies if the condition of having a positive net worth is simultaneously fulfilled.

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Application of facilities

  1. for taxpayers subject to the profit tax – the percentage relating to the reduction shall be applied to the annual profit tax for the year in which the conditions for the reduction are met, and the value of the reduction shall be deducted from it;
  2. for taxpayers subject to income tax for micro-enterprises – the percentage relating to the tax reduction is applied to the tax due for the entire year, and the tax for the fourth quarter is reduced by the value of the resulting reduction;
  3. for micro enterprises that become subject to the profit tax in the year for which the reduction is applied – the percentage reduction is applied to the micro enterprise income tax plus the profit tax, and the value of the resulting reduction is deducted from the profit tax;
  4. for taxpayers subject to the specific tax – the percentage reduction in tax is applied to the tax due for the entire tax year and the value of the resulting reduction is subtracted from the tax due for the second half of the year;

Deadlines for submitting declarations and paying tax during the application of facilities

  • for taxpayers subject to the profit tax – the deadline for submission of the annual tax return and payment of the profit tax shall be by 25 June inclusive of the following year;
  • for taxpayers subject to the microenterprises income tax – submission of the quarter IV tax return and payment of the tax shall be made by 25 June inclusive of the following year;
  • for taxpayers subject to the specific tax – submission of the return for the second half of the year and payment of the tax shall be made by 25 June inclusive of the following year.

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